Amateur Radio enthusiasts call it "foxhunting," but the bushy-tailed animals have nothing to fear. Hams, after all, are not hounds, and in ham radio lingo, a "foxhunt" is one of several names for a radio direction finding competition, with the goal to locate one or more hidden radio transmitters. May 11-12, 2024 has been selected as "Worldwide Foxhunting Weekend" (WWFW), when ham operators and radio clubs are encouraged to conduct hidden transmitter hunts.
It's not a QSO contest and there are no set rules. It's just a time for clubs, schools and Scout groups to try this exciting radiosport. Participation is not limited to licensed hams. There's no license requirement to receive, so everyone can participate. If there is a conflict on that weekend, any time in the spring will do. We're not picky!
On-air competition is a ham radio tradition dating back nearly to the birth of the hobby and foxhunting has been part of that tradition for at least 70 years. Foxhunting may be done by car or on foot, so you are encouraged to use either one or both during the WWFW. And there's more than a fun day of friendly competition involved. Foxhunting is certainly fun and a competitive challenge, but it also teaches important radio direction-finding (RDF) skills that may be called upon in searching for a lost hiker or downed airplane's Emergency Locator Transmitter. RDF techniques are also useful for tracking down sources of electronic interference. Transmitter hunting belongs in the mainstream of Amateur Radio. Ham RDF can be used for public service and to save lives.
Worldwide Foxhunting Weekend supports efforts by ham radio groups to promote the sport. The USA Championships of on-foot transmitter hunting take place annually. Competitors from all over the USA plus visitors from other countries attend. In 2024, the USA Championships will be near near Chelsea, Michigan in October. Some clubs use Foxhunting Weekend as an opportunity to train for and promote such championships.
For ideas to help you get started in planning Foxhunting Weekend activities in your home town, read my classic Homing In article "Give Foxhunting a Try."
Having refreshments at the end of the hunt is always a good idea. This special cake was waiting for finishing foxhunters at a Foxhunting Weekend ARDF hunt in Hillcrest Park, Fullerton, California.
Back to KØOV's Homing In home page
Go to Let's Go T-Hunting -- An introduction to the fun of mobile hidden transmitter hunts
Go to Latest Championship Foxhunting News -- Upcoming multi-nation foxhunts, plus Team USA's practice locations/dates
Go to International-Style Foxhunting Comes To The Americas -- History and rules of international foxhunting contests
Go to Equipment Ideas for Radio-Orienteering -- Simple and inexpensive receiving and transmitting solutions
Go to Try ARDF on 80 Meters -- The "other" radio-orienteering band
This page updated 22 March 2024